Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Cafe Crazy

 I've been working at a small little cafe for a while now. As far as jobs go, it's pretty good. Sure, its hectic everyday, but I get paid well for being cheap labour. And the people I work with are nice, so things could be worse. But there are down sides to it, like every job.
Number One: Evil Customers Who Exist Just To Make Your Day Suck
Don't worry, not all of them suck. Most of them are quite delightful and I'm on a first name basis with the regulars. But, and everyone that has a job will agree with this, you always get that bastard every now and then, the one that makes your day turn into crap in seconds. Over time, I've learned not to let it get to me, but when I first started out, I was so angry and frustrated. Of course I didn't show it. In every business, the customer is right. Even if you know for certain you are right, your not in this world buddy. You have to shut up, smile and make the customer happy.
Here are just the few that I've encountered over time.
In my experience, business people can be very testy. The have the whole 'I'm in a rush, so you should be too!' kind of thing going on. They think that we are going slow just to annoy them (I wish). They don't realise all the stuff you have to do to make a good cup of coffee. Its not Bewitched where you can just snap your fingers, and bam, coffee.
Then there's people who come in when your just about to close. You would think at six pm, people wouldn't want coffee. But no, they have to come in just a minute before we close to get one and of course, that causes a whole flood of people. They couldn't have come in, oh I don't know, during daylight hours?
And then there's the angry guy. I can't deal with really angry people, I actually get scared when someone yells at me, especially strangers.
There was a guy who came in one day and asked for an iced coffee. He sat down, while one of my co workers made it. When she was done, she brought it out to him. As soon as she placed it on the table he picked it up (and I'm dead serious here) threw it at her. No joke. He did this because there was a lid on the iced coffee. I don't think he comes back any more after that incident. My co-worker was scared for her life.
He did come up and apologise later, but come on dude, go to anger management or something....
But like I said before, its not all bad. I'm aware I've done plenty of complaining on this post, but its a good way to vent. I do like my job. The other day one of the regulars brought us a packet of Easter eggs for the day, isn't that sweet? :)

Till next time xoxo

Friday, 24 June 2011

Here Goes Nothing

I've been sitting in front of my computer for while, thinking to myself what does one write on their very first blog? You see, I want to get this right since this is my first time. That's right, I'm a blogging virgin.  I've been trying to figure out what I should write, and I've decided to stop thinking and just do it. So here it goes.
Who I am remains a mystery, for now. I'm a teenager living in the land down under, who likes to question everything and everyone.  My hair changes more than the weather and you can usually find me with my nose buried in a book. I'm an observer of the world and people around me. My imagination usually takes me to unusual places.
I don't know what I'm going to be writing on this blog. I might write about life, music, religon or something totally random. Who knows? I guess we'll find out.
I'm not going to tell you my whole life story, not yet anyway. Over time, I hope you'll stay and get to know me.

-Till next time xoxo